Senin, 23 April 2012

Parents Are Should Be Reponsible Toward Their Children’s Crime

Children delinquency and crime is an actual problem that happen almost in all countries in the world. In our city, Kediri, the number of children’s crime is include in high. In a day, one child do the crime. Based on data of Bapas (Balai Pemasyarakatan Anak) Kediri, told that children’s crime is more than 300 cases a year.
Actually, who’s wrong so that the children do so ? Themselves, parents, people arround them, or  prevailing rule ?
Blame them, punish them until now has not been proven to solve their problems. Even prison sometimes can be the good school for candidate of bandit. So, sufice handling of them is a futile action.
Rights that they should receive, the fulfillment of needs they are supposed to enjoy, right education and conducive atmosphere to growth and development of good child are should be noted.
And all that is received the children from their parents. Part of parents is very important in children’s character founding.
The obligation of parents toward child to suffice physically and psychologically necessities, educate, must not be neglected if they don’t want their children become criminals. Because the home is the starting point for the development of the child to the next. Fulfilment of needs that unavailable at home can encourage children to look outside. And this could be the trigger of a child to commit a crime.
A good environment must also determine the complexion of the child to the next life. Because children learn from current life. If parents do not place limits on their children and teach them, the children will be bogged down in wrong environment. Children who live in the midst of violence, then they will get violent. While the children who live in the middle of love and peace then they will be compassionate.

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