Minggu, 30 Oktober 2011

Maling Gentiri (Legend of Ringinsirah Crossroad, Kediri, East Java)

Have you ever passed Ringin Sirah crossroad in Kediri ? It’s among Hayam Wuruk street, Joyoboyo street, Pemuda street, and Erlangga street. But now people call it Sri Ratu crossroad, because it’s in the east of Sri Ratu. There is also a yard named Ringin Sirah arround there, precisely in font of Joyoboyo Trade Center. Do you know?  There is a history why people call that location, Ringin Sirah.

            Once upon a time, there was a man named Gentiri. He’s not just an ordinary man, he had a great power. In Java term, it called “aji pancasona”. With his power, he can’t be killed by anyone. But with conditions, his body should be allied and his blood couldn’t touch the ground.

            He was a good man, he liked to helped poor society. But he did it with a wrong way, however he had a good intention. He stole treasures of rich people and gave it to the poor people. Because of it, people called him “Maling Gentiri”. “Maling” means thief.
Anyway, poor society were very happy with what Gentiri did. But of course, rich people was angry with his behavior.

            They had done many things to killed Maling Gentiri. But, they couldn’t kill Maling Gentiri because of his great power.
Until finally, rich people knew about Gentiri’s weakness. They knew if they killed and intersect Gentiri’s body became some parts, it could made him die.

            In a word, they were succesful to killed Maling Gentiri. Rich people conspired to killed Maling Gentiri. They killed Gentiri and then they cut his body became some parts, and buried his body in the different places. One of that places is in Kediri, precisely is in place that now we call it Ringin Sirah. As is said, Gentiri’s head buried right there.
            That’s why people now call this location Ringin Sirah. “Ringin” means banyan tree. It’s in the midst of the Ringin Sirah yard. And “Sirah” means head that burried arround there. Now, some people still believe that arround banyan tree in the Ringin Sirah yard, there is Gentiri’s head that has been burried many years ago.

Mengembalikan File yang Berubah jadi Shortcut

Pernahkah kamu jengkel sama flashdisk kamu karena folder – folder yang ada di Fdmu jadi shortcut semuanya...??? Padahal folder – folder itu berisi data – data kamu yang sangat penting.  Walaupun kamu sudah scan flashdisk kamu dengan antivirus yang terpercaya, data – data kamu itu tidak akan muncul.

Tapi tenang saja, sebenarnya data – data kamu tidak hilang kok... Ini cuma karena virus jahil yang nge-hidden folder – folder di FD kamu, dan hanya memunculkannya sebagai shortcut.
Butuh sedikit trik untuk mengembalikan lagi data kamu yang hilang itu. Berikut triknya.. 
  1. Klik Organize, kemudian folder and search options.
  2. Klik tab view, lalu akan muncul tampilan seperti ini.

   3. Ubah pengaturan hidden files and folders dari “Don’t show hidden files, folders, and drives” menjadi
       “Show hidden files, folders, and drives”
   4. Lalu uncheck pada “Hide protected operating system files”. Kalau ada peringatan, klik “yes” saja.

   5. Klik OK

Nah, sekarang folder – folder yang tadi hilang sekarang sudah terlihat walaupun dalam kondisi hidden.

Supaya file kamu terselamatkan, sebaiknya kamu pindah file – file yang ada di folder itu ke lokasi lain di flashdisk (misalnya kamu bisa membuat folder baru di flashdisk dan memindahkannya kesitu, kalau kamu nggak pengen pindah ke folder juga nggak papa). Saya belum menemukan bagaimana cara nge-unhide folder-folder itu, jadi jalan satu-satunya ya memindah file-filenya dari folder itu deh. Kemudian hapus folder yang ter hidden itu. Dan satu lagi.... Setelah semuanya beres, sebaiknya kamu ubah pengaturan “Folder and search options” seperti semula. Hal ini supaya file dan folder sistem kamu tidak terlihat di WinExplorer sehingga akan aman.